Gearing up for Round 2. Week 1.

Davis will be admitted to PCH on Wednesday to start his 2nd round of chemo treatments. He is on a 3-week treatment cycle, with the 1st week being a large cocktail of medications and the 2nd and 3rd weeks being 1 medication. They are unsure of how Davis will respond to this week of treatment. The doctors will be introducing a new medicine to his little body too this week.

Prayer Requests from Amanda:

  • “Pray the Davis has minimal side effects.”

  • “Prayer for Lily as we are not sure how much we will get to see her this trip. It’s so hard to be separated. It makes us all so sad and feels like salt in the wound. If Davis has minimal symptoms we will hopefully have her come see us every day.”

  • “Prayers for continued health. And thanks to everyone who has kept their distance due to germs. So far we have managed to not get anything 🙌🏻”

We have added a few NEW needs to the LotsaHelpingHands site:

  • Postmates Dinner for Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Lance and Amanda have a Postmates account that we’ve set up so they can place their own orders directly to the hospital. If you would like to provide a meal for one of these days, please sign-up for the specific day on and then donate here and the money will go directly to their Postmates order.

  • There is currently a t-shirt fundraiser going on through the end of this week (4 more days!) over at if you would like to purchase a shirt in honor of Davis. We are also looking for 2 more people who would be willing to buy a shirt for Lily and Davis so they could have one to wear too! You can sign up on for that too.

We have also added a RECURRING GIFTS option to this website.

This is going to be a year-long process for the Robinsons and their financial situation has changed dramatically because of it. Please prayerfully consider giving on a monthly basis to help offset their loss of income for this next 12 months. Your donations will help ease the burden during this time.

Lastly, Davis has NOT forgotten its Christmas!

Amanda recorded a video of him singing during his chemo treatment 2 weeks ago. Davis is still full of joy, even in the midst of all he’s endured. Enjoy this……“Jingle Bells” by Davis Robinson.

Amanda Robinson