Still waiting for more results

I wish I had more to share at the moment but unfortunately they did not receive the results from pathology today. This is what they are waiting on that will tell them exactly what kind of cancer they are dealing with. 

They have been working hard today to keep Davis’s pain under control and his oxygen levels up so his little body can continue to rest and heal from the surgery as he begins the next fight in this battle. 

He is scheduled to have his port put in tomorrow morning with a potential for a bone marrow test as well. They have been told the pathology results should also be in tomorrow and at that point the doctors will be able to form a treatment plan and get to kicking this cancer. 


Amanda Robinson
Prayers please!

Prayer warriors... Davis’ little body is in a lot of pain this morning. His bladder isn’t working right now and going into spasms that are painful. With his cough that he has had since he got to the hospital and being intubated twice for surgery and test, he is having a hard time fully inflating his lungs so there is also worry if pneumonia. He needs some peaceful sleep in order to recover and heal to be ready for the next steps of kicking this cancer.


Amanda Robinson
PET scan results

They got out of the meeting with the Drs. I’m glad to be sharing a piece of good news - they confirmed this is the primary source and there are no other large masses in other parts of his body 🙌🏻. Thank you Lord!

With that being said, they did find cancer cells still remaining floating around in the fluid but that will be treated with the chemotherapy. They still need to get more information from the pathology reports to indicate exactly what type of cancer this is as well.  Though his blood work has been normal, it is still a possibility this cancer is in his blood. 

Praising God for some more positive news for as much as it can be in a situation like this. All the while still bringing our hearts to Him with our pleading requests for more good news as they go forward and the miracle of healing.


Amanda Robinson
PET Scan

From Amanda...

He’s going in now. They are saying because of his lungs having collapsed a bit due to the breathing tube yesterday and his cough he might end up needing to be in the ICU a bit after the scans. So praying that his pain management is better and he’s able to breathe deeper so he doesn’t need to go to ICU.


Scans are done and Davis is back in his room sleeping. No new info except to share that he didn’t have to go to the ICU. 🙌🏻. Feels like the first piece of actual good news for them.


Amanda Robinson
The day after a cancer diagnosis

Good morning friends

It’s another day with more scans and test with unknowns still lingering. Davis has been battling a fever and pain throughout the night and lance and Amanda aren’t really sleeping. He is scheduled for a PET scan at 10am to check for more cancer throughout his body. 

They haven’t seemed necessarily concerned yet with the fever but it’s awful for them to just watch him be uncomfortable and in pain. 

Please continue to pray. I’m struggling with words but letting the Holy Spirit take over to intercede

Psalms 62:6-8 – Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.


Amanda Robinson
Results of the surgery

So my heart is breaking to share all of this with you but not without the Lords knowing, things have taken a different turn. After studying the mass the oncologists have confirmed that it is actually a malignant cancer. It is being sent off for testing to determine what kind and more details but the discussions are now being moved to a PET scan tomorrow to search for more then talks of chemo and on. 

Prayers are right now are badly needed for Lance and Amanda and their family as they are taking this all in.


Amanda Robinson
Surgery is complete

They got it all! 🙌🏻

This is the best possible outcome for this step. They are closing him up so there is hopefully more information still coming but wanted to share a bit of good news! The mass is out 👏🏻🙌🏻


Amanda Robinson
Surgery update

In true hospital fashion, things are running behind. They are just now heading down to the surgical floor to get him officially prepped. This is where there will do what they do to check for virus in order to clear him for surgery.


Amanda Robinson
Surgery update

Prayers are needed this morning. Davis spiked a fever last night. They gave him meds for it and while this morning he has looked better than yesterday (sitting up, talking, coloring, bathroom on his own) they were just informed that he can’t go into surgery if he has a virus. They are supposed to be taken back  around 8-830 for surgery prep and they will swab his nose to check. Please pray the fever isn’t from a respiratory virus or something of that kind and that they can move forward with the surgery. 

❤️ -Christine

Amanda Robinson
Surgery scheduled for tomorrow

Procedure for Davis has been scheduled for 10am tomorrow. They are planning on biopsy and possible removal of the mass. Your prayers are coveted... praying for clarity of mind for the doctors, that they would be able to remove the entire thing and that whatever it is would be benign. 

Amanda wanted to specifically share “Prayer that my baby would come through this surgery and come out the other end the same enthusiastic animal loving, singing his heart out boy that he’s always been. That God would be known through this whole situation and we would have the determination to continue to look to Him even when it’s the darkest times. That it would be His light that shines through every moment, every breath.”

They are clinging to Isaiah 41:10 “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  - Isaiah 41:10

Thanks for your love and prayers everyone.


Amanda Robinson