The beginning of chemo

What a day. First round of chemo has begun. 

Davis spent most of the afternoon sleeping as he was coming out of another round of anesthesia. The treatment started quiet and peaceful. The first two medicines only take about five minutes each and the third one takes an hour. We sat with him and prayed over his body as the third and final medicine was given. As it was going he caught a bit of energy, ate a little bit of food, started playing with some toys, and even took a few steps around the room! It’s been so good to see his little sweet and spicy personally come out. 

He’s been doing better keeping his oxygen up, there are no more IVs (everything is now going through his port), no more catheter, and we’ve gotten to see his smile again. 

While this gut wrenching journey is just beginning, today couldn’t have ended on a better note. 

Amanda Robinson